Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Nutritional Security

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Virinder Singh Sohu
Baldev Singh Dhillon


Plant genetic resources (PGR) have been extensively used to develop new cultivars for meeting the emerging
challenges and needs of the society. These have played a pivotal role in assuring food and nutritional security
of the humankind. Our National Agricultural Research System, particularly the National Bureau of Plant Genetic
Resources, has made dedicated eff orts to collect indigenous germplasm and introduce exotic germplasm and
conserve the same. Indigenous germplasm has been used to develop crop varieties and even now traditional
varieties/landraces act as rich source of genes of economic importance (submergence tolerance in FR13A rice,
salinity tolerance in Pokkali rice and Kharchia wheat). Exotic germplasm has been used to develop several
landmark varieties including IR 8 rice; Kalyansona and Sonalika wheats, the cultivation of which resulted in
Green Revolution. Hybridization of indigenous and exotic germplasm to combine their desirable traits has led
to remarkable achievements in enhancing crop productivity coupled with adaptation to prevalent agro-ecologies.

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How to Cite
Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Nutritional Security. (2022). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 35(03), 65–68.

How to Cite

Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Nutritional Security. (2022). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 35(03), 65–68.