Introduction and Evaluation of Saccharum Germplasm from Thailand
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Saccharum spontaneum L, a wild relative of sugarcane has contributed significantly to the evolution of modem sugarcane varieties, which arecomplexinterspecific hybrids involving two or more species of Saccharum. This species is characterized by profuse tillering with underground stolons. It contains very low sugar and high fibre. The species is resistant to diseases and pests and shows tolerance to abiotic stresses like salinity, water logging and drought. It exhibits the widest geographical distribution also. In view of the importance of this species in the breeding programmes, adequate attention has been given for its collection, conservation and characterisation
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How to Cite
Introduction and Evaluation of Saccharum Germplasm from Thailand. (2005). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 18(01), 106-107.
How to Cite
Introduction and Evaluation of Saccharum Germplasm from Thailand. (2005). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 18(01), 106-107.