Partial Resistance among Fastigiate Germplasm of Groundnut and their Utility in Rapid Screening for Rust
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Rust disease of groundnut caused by Puccinia arachidis Speg. has gained much attention because of its rapid spread to almost all the major groundnut growing countries. Efforts to find genetic resistance have been successful and several sources have been identified. Most (90%) of the resistant sources belong to only fastigiate gerrnplasm (Arachis hypogaea sub-species fastigiata). Before exploiting resistant gerrnplasm in breeding programmes, it becomes essential to understand the differences in the components of resistance and the nature ofrelationship among them. Hence
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How to Cite
Partial Resistance among Fastigiate Germplasm of Groundnut and their Utility in Rapid Screening for Rust. (2001). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 14(02), 178-179.
How to Cite
Partial Resistance among Fastigiate Germplasm of Groundnut and their Utility in Rapid Screening for Rust. (2001). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 14(02), 178-179.