Inheritance of Pentafoliate Character in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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RP Vasanthi


Hybridization between Spanish bunch and Virginia genotypes is the most common tool employed for creation ofvariability for various morphological and physiological attributes in groundnut. In this process, some morphological variants that are uncommon in Spanish or Virginia groups do appear in the segregating populations of such crosses. A pentafoliate single plant selection was made in segregating populations of an infraspecific cross, Tirupati lIICGV86398 in which both parents had tetrafoliate (paripinnate) leaves. Tirupati 1 is a high yielding variety suitable for kharif cultivation under rainfed conditions in drought prone areas of Andhra Pradesh. Its leaflets are narrow and moderately long with ashy coat on their surface. ICGV86398 is aVirginia bunch genotype obtained from ICRISAT. resistant to jassids and tolerant to Spodoptera (Vasanthi and Padmavathammas, 2000).

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How to Cite
Inheritance of Pentafoliate Character in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). (2003). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 16(01), 83-84.

How to Cite

Inheritance of Pentafoliate Character in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). (2003). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 16(01), 83-84.