Risk of Seed-transmitted Viruses Associated with Exchange of Soybean Germplasm and the South Asian Scenario

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DB Parakh
RK Khetarpal
VC Chalam
AK Maurya
Shamsher Singh


Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Mere.) is an important legume
and oilseed crop of immense commercial value to South
Asia. Given its nutritional and health related benefits,
soybean has been gaining more prominence the world
over with the advent of transgenic crops.

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How to Cite
Risk of Seed-transmitted Viruses Associated with Exchange of Soybean Germplasm and the South Asian Scenario. (2005). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 18(01), 63-64. https://ispgr.in/index.php/ijpgr/article/view/2269

How to Cite

Risk of Seed-transmitted Viruses Associated with Exchange of Soybean Germplasm and the South Asian Scenario. (2005). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 18(01), 63-64. https://ispgr.in/index.php/ijpgr/article/view/2269

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