Integrative Strategies for Genetic Conservation of Asian Medicinal Plants through Participatory Approach for Livelihood and Sustainability

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SPS Khanuja
S Dwivedi
AK Mathur
AK Gupta


South-East Asian countries accounts for more than 60%
of the global supply of herbs in the trade today. The
time has now come when several models of integrative
approaches must be devised and be put to test in utilizing
our collective traditional knowledge and bio-resources
towards the visible emergence of a joint Sector of Asian
System of Medicines. The ASEAN model can act as
a template to begin with in this direction. Obviously,
this wouldinvolve equal partnership ofvarious components
of the entire value chain, comprising of traditional
healers, plant collectors, conservation scientists, farmers,
industry, traders and retailers. Exchange of plants and
their introduction and quality evaluation! validation in
neighbouring countries will be an intense activity of
this proposed model.

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How to Cite
Integrative Strategies for Genetic Conservation of Asian Medicinal Plants through Participatory Approach for Livelihood and Sustainability. (2005). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 18(01), 23.

How to Cite

Integrative Strategies for Genetic Conservation of Asian Medicinal Plants through Participatory Approach for Livelihood and Sustainability. (2005). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 18(01), 23.