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Rapeseed and mustard comprise a group of 8 cultivated cruciferous oilseed species of tribe Brassiceae. They are the main source of edible oil in Indian diet after groundnut. They play an important role in Indian economy contributing 27 and 25.3 per cent to the total oilseed production and hectarage respectively. Brassica juncea is the predominant species and accounts for nearly 80 per cent of the hectarage. Oilseed Brassica species represent a rich genetic diversity and are grown in eight agro-ecological zones of the country. However, much of the diversity is concentrated in th~ Indo-gangatic plains and sub-mountane Himalayas. Since the genetic resources play an important role in breeding programme, their conservation and systematic evaluation merit foremost priority. This paper highlights an state-of-the-art in the rapeseed mustard genetic resource activities in the country. Systematic, planned and coordinated efforts of NBPGR, AICRP-RM (presendy NRCRM) and other research institutes have resulted into the acquisition/collection/assemblage of 17,439 accessions of cultivated, wild and allied species of these crops. However, these also include duplicate or even quadruplicate samples. Working collections are being maintained and evaluated for major economic attributes and stresses at the various research stations. Collections made have provided a broad germplasm base the breeding programme. Among the B. juncea crop, RC 781 (multiple diseases ~+WR+DM tolerant), YRT 3 (white rust tolerant), T 6342 (aphid tolerant), RW 175 (frost tolerant) and RS 781 (drought and frost tolerant) genes were identified. Among the exotic collections, Midas, Westar and Tower of B. napus; Candle, Span and Torch varieties of B. rapa have been found promising and used in the breeding programme. A list of useful accessions with desirable agro-morphological and quality traits and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses has also been presented for future utilisation. The paper also discusses the future thrust areas for augmenting the ongoing efforts and making the programme more effective.
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How to Cite
RAPESEED - MUSTARD GENETIC RESOURCES PRIORITIES. (2000). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 13(03), 207-218. https://ispgr.in/index.php/ijpgr/article/view/2176
How to Cite
RAPESEED - MUSTARD GENETIC RESOURCES PRIORITIES. (2000). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 13(03), 207-218. https://ispgr.in/index.php/ijpgr/article/view/2176