Sorghum and Millets Introduction: Achievements and Opportunities in India

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N Seetharama
IS Khairwal
A Seetharam
M Elangovan


The origin and domestication of Sorghum bieolor (L.)
Moench has taken place in Africa about 5000-8000
years ago. Indian subcontinent is the secondary centre
of origin of Sorghum. The evidence for its cultivation
was discovered at Saurastra dating back to about 4500
years. Sorghum was probably brought to India from
eastern Africa during the first millennium Be. It is
reported to have existed there around 1000 BC.

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How to Cite
Sorghum and Millets Introduction: Achievements and Opportunities in India. (2005). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 18(01), 6-8.

How to Cite

Sorghum and Millets Introduction: Achievements and Opportunities in India. (2005). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 18(01), 6-8.