Dr R.K. Arora: Obituary
Main Article Content
Dr. Rajeshwar Kumar Arora, an
eminent scientist in the field of
plant genetic resources (PGR) and
former Head of Exploration
Division and Officiating Director,
National Bureau of Plant Genetic
Resources (NBPGR) passed away
on 3 March 2010. Dr. R.K. Arora
made significant contributions in
the field of germplasm collection,
use and management of PGR and
systematics, taxonomy, ecology,
phytogeography and ethnobotany
of crop plants, their wild relatives
and underutilized species native
to the Indian region
Article Details
How to Cite
Dr R.K. Arora: Obituary. (2023). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 23(01), 141-143. https://ispgr.in/index.php/ijpgr/article/view/1637
How to Cite
Dr R.K. Arora: Obituary. (2023). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 23(01), 141-143. https://ispgr.in/index.php/ijpgr/article/view/1637