Evaluation of Exotic Gennplasm of Kabuli Chickpea
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The present study was undertaken to identify high yielding, large (>40g/100 seeds) and extra-large (>50g/100 seeds)
gennplasm accessions of Kabuli chickpea with resistance/tolerance against Fusarium wilt. 150 exotic gennplasm
accessions belonging to diverse geographical regions were raised in augmented design and studied for phenological
and agro-morphological traits.The results indicated high variability for traits, during rabi 2002-03, viz. yield/plant,
podsIplant and 100 seed weight, respectively.While moderate variability was detected for plant height. I3 accessions
found desirable for seed size were further studied during rabi 2003-04, for plant type, yield (kglha), 100 seed weight
andseed coatcharacteristics. Fouraccessions, namely, ICCI2033,ICCI4199,ICC I4197 and ICCI4203 demonstrated
high yield potential of>l8qlha. Their respective 100 seed weight were recorded as 60.2,54.73,58.31 and 46.16.
Based on screening in wilt sick nursery, an accession ICCI4199 displayed complete resistance whereas ICCI4203
showed moderate resistance against Fusarium wilt (race 2).