Status of Genetic Resources in Oilseed Crops and Their Potential Use for Making India Atmanirbhar in Edible Oils

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Rashmi Yadav
Partha Ray Choudhury
Anjali Kak Koul
Veena Gupta
Ashok Kumar
Devendra K Yadava


Plant Genetic Resources play an important role in the genetic enhancement of diff erent crops leading to food and
nutritional security of the nation. India is genetic diversity rich country with more than 4.62 lakh accessions of
2065 crop species conserved National Gene Bank at National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi.
Oilseeds are integral part of the various crop breeding programmes under National Agricultural Research System.
In case of nine edible oilseed crops grown in India 57977 accessions of 13 species are conserved in the National
Gene. In general, it has been observed that the utilization of germplasm conserved in the National Gene Bank
is very low. Characterization of the germplasm and identifi cation of trait specifi c donors is pre-requisite for
successful utilization in the various breeding programmes. In this direction eff orts have been made by the Oilseed
Breeders in the country and in addition to release and notifi cation of 956 varieties of nine oilseed crops since
1969, 193 novel genetic stocks of diff erent oilseed crops for diff erent agro-morphological,

Article Details

How to Cite
Status of Genetic Resources in Oilseed Crops and Their Potential Use for Making India Atmanirbhar in Edible Oils. (2022). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 35(03), 85–89.

How to Cite

Status of Genetic Resources in Oilseed Crops and Their Potential Use for Making India Atmanirbhar in Edible Oils. (2022). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 35(03), 85–89.

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